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    trivia quiz, treasure hunt...

    Duration: 8 hours max

    Duration: All

    Length: 6km max

    Length: All Cinema City Treasure Hunt An audio adventure through one hundred years of cinema history. From the first picture shows in the 1890s to the present day, Glasgow has been a special place for movies. In fact in the 1930s Glasg...

    Treasure Hunt

    An audio adventure through one hundred years of cinema history. From the first picture shows in the 1890s to the present day, Glasgow has been a special place for movies. In fac...

    Glasgow, United Kingdom The Living River - Wildlife on the Clyde This trail was made as part of the West Boathouse project by Ingrid Shearer, Deirdre Molloy and Kirsty Crawford. The West Boathouse is the long, red-roofed building on the north riverbank, east of the...

    Trivia Quiz

    This trail was made as part of the West Boathouse project by Ingrid Shearer, Deirdre Molloy and Kirsty Crawford. The West Boathouse is the long, red-roofed building on the north ri...

    Glasgow City, United Kingdom A family quest around St Ives. Jo Kernow needs your help! There's treasure in these streets but he can't find it. Lily is a street-wise tourist and Tom is the local trawlerman's son. Help them piece together the clues as you w...

    Treasure Hunt

    Jo Kernow needs your help! There's treasure in these streets but he can't find it. Lily is a street-wise tourist and Tom is the local trawlerman's son. Help them piece togethe...

    Cornwall, United Kingdom Paisley Radicals: Catalysts for Change This is the story of the Radical War of 1820, and Paisley’s role in it. Paisley Radicals: Catalysts for Change is a vivid, dramatically immersive experience. The uprising takes place in 1819-20 b...


    This is the story of the Radical War of 1820, and Paisley’s role in it. Paisley Radicals: Catalysts for Change is a vivid, dramatically immersive experience. The uprising takes...

    Paisley, United Kingdom CN T.rex Gallery Virtual Tour Bring the world’s largest Tyrannosaurs rex to the palm of your hand! This virtual tour transports you into the recently-updated CN T. rex Gallery at the Royal Saskatchewan Museum. Navigate to your c...

    Mystery Quest

    Bring the world’s largest Tyrannosaurs rex to the palm of your hand! This virtual tour transports you into the recently-updated CN T. rex Gallery at the Royal Saskatchewan Museum....

    Regina, Canada Staff Picks - Royal Saskatchewan Museum Follow along and learn the secrets behind our staff's favourite exhibits!

    Mystery Quest

    Follow along and learn the secrets behind our staff's favourite exhibits!

    Regina, Canada The Greek Thomson Sixty Steps and Secret Garden A short walk exploring this hidden architectural gem, with its secret garden in Glasgow's west end. You will hear the story of local businessman, John Ewing Walker and how his ambition in the 1870s to...


    A short walk exploring this hidden architectural gem, with its secret garden in Glasgow's west end. You will hear the story of local businessman, John Ewing Walker and how his ambi...

    Glasgow, United Kingdom The Hidden Stories Map In every city there are untold stories where the buildings, statues and place names hold clues to past events and forgotten people. One of Glasgow’s biggest hidden stories is how it played a part in a...


    In every city there are untold stories where the buildings, statues and place names hold clues to past events and forgotten people. One of Glasgow’s biggest hidden stories is how i...

    Glasgow, United Kingdom Wild Derrynane Seashore Nature Walk This version includes the full App and a trivia 'Test your knowledge' quiz. Featuring 1) 20 stops with narration 2) Text descriptions 3) Over 200 photos 4) 3 videos including underwater animals, natt...

    Trivia Quiz

    This version includes the full App and a trivia 'Test your knowledge' quiz. Featuring 1) 20 stops with narration 2) Text descriptions 3) Over 200 photos 4) 3 videos including unde...

    Ireland, Ireland Nottingham Trail Walk a fun trail around some Nottingham's most iconic landmarks. The tour will take just 2 to 3 hours to walk and we'll introduce you to some of the most notorious, fun, and fascinating parts of Notti...


    Walk a fun trail around some Nottingham's most iconic landmarks. The tour will take just 2 to 3 hours to walk and we'll introduce you to some of the most notorious, fun, and fascin...

    Nottingham, United Kingdom Prestwick Heritage Tour: St Nicholas Old Kirkyard From graverobbers and a stolen bell to heroes of golf and soldier monks – the Old Kirk reveals her secrets of Prestwick's rich history on this heritage trail. Local historians and experts talk about...


    From graverobbers and a stolen bell to heroes of golf and soldier monks – the Old Kirk reveals her secrets of Prestwick's rich history on this heritage trail. Local historians an...

    Prestwick, United Kingdom - SKIBBEREEN - Famine Story Walking Trail App Skibbereen is synonymous with the Great Famine (1845-52) as it was one of the worst affected areas in all of Ireland. At least a million people died during this catastrophe and double that number fled...


    Skibbereen is synonymous with the Great Famine (1845-52) as it was one of the worst affected areas in all of Ireland. At least a million people died during this catastrophe and dou...

    Cork, Ireland

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