Engage your students with a project-based, digital learning approach
Teamwork exercises and co-creation bolster student participation and performance while promoting group work focused on collective goals.
Although Millennials were the first generation to become acquainted with the concept of a digital world, their experience is being eclipsed by that of Generation Z or the “iGen”. These children were born into a fully connected, wireless world with touch screens in their hands at an early age. As a result, teachers, parents and cultural institutions need to think about new and innovative ways to connect iGen students with the arts, humanities and culture.
At GuidiGO we believe our storytelling and gaming platform can play a key role in bridging the gap between this new digital generation and cultural institutions.
Teamwork exercises and co-creation bolster student participation and performance while promoting group work focused on collective goals.
If you think your students’ work has academic value and may be of interest to other teachers, students or families, you can make it public on the GuidiGO app so that anyone can enjoy it!
Construct one-of-a-kind digital-learning experience