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      trivia quiz, treasure hunt...

      Duration: 8 hours max

      Duration: All

      Length: 6km max

      Length: All Cinema City Treasure Hunt An audio adventure through one hundred years of cinema history. From the first picture shows in the 1890s to the present day, Glasgow has been a special place for movies. In fact in the 1930s Glasg...

      Treasure Hunt

      An audio adventure through one hundred years of cinema history. From the first picture shows in the 1890s to the present day, Glasgow has been a special place for movies. In fac...

      Glasgow, United Kingdom Langside Halls: from Queen Street to Queen’s Park Langside Halls began life on Queen Street in 1847 as the first National Bank of Scotland, it was then moved & re-built in 1902 to become a new public building at its current location at the corner of ...


      Langside Halls began life on Queen Street in 1847 as the first National Bank of Scotland, it was then moved & re-built in 1902 to become a new public building at its current locati...

      Glasgow, United Kingdom Paisley Radicals: Catalysts for Change This is the story of the Radical War of 1820, and Paisley’s role in it. Paisley Radicals: Catalysts for Change is a vivid, dramatically immersive experience. The uprising takes place in 1819-20 b...


      This is the story of the Radical War of 1820, and Paisley’s role in it. Paisley Radicals: Catalysts for Change is a vivid, dramatically immersive experience. The uprising takes...

      Paisley, United Kingdom An Impressionist Walk through Montmartre For those who love the masters of light. A living testimonial populated with memories and impressions that will transport you to the land of artists and cabarets, when Montmartre was but a little vill...


      For those who love the masters of light. A living testimonial populated with memories and impressions that will transport you to the land of artists and cabarets, when Montmartre w...

      Paris, France Glasgow Music Celebrated How will Glasgow sound after Covid-19? The question hangs over a city famous for its live music. Thriving venues have been closed and silent for over a year. Nothing can quench the creative spirit ...


      How will Glasgow sound after Covid-19? The question hangs over a city famous for its live music. Thriving venues have been closed and silent for over a year. Nothing can quench ...

      Glasgow, United Kingdom Unfolding Argyle Street Unfolding Argyle Street offers a reintroduction to the city-centre portion of one of Glasgow's longest and most varied streets, concentrating on the lesser-known, the overlooked, and paths untaken, co...


      Unfolding Argyle Street offers a reintroduction to the city-centre portion of one of Glasgow's longest and most varied streets, concentrating on the lesser-known, the overlooked, a...

      Glasgow, United Kingdom Glasgow's Landmarks Tour Inside stories of great Glasgow buildings reveal changing fortunes of a dynamic city. None more dramatic than the impact of the 2020 pandemic. Welcome to Glasgow’s Landmarks Tour, brought to you by ...


      Inside stories of great Glasgow buildings reveal changing fortunes of a dynamic city. None more dramatic than the impact of the 2020 pandemic. Welcome to Glasgow’s Landmarks Tour,...

      Glasgow, United Kingdom The Greek Thomson Sixty Steps and Secret Garden A short walk exploring this hidden architectural gem, with its secret garden in Glasgow's west end. You will hear the story of local businessman, John Ewing Walker and how his ambition in the 1870s to...


      A short walk exploring this hidden architectural gem, with its secret garden in Glasgow's west end. You will hear the story of local businessman, John Ewing Walker and how his ambi...

      Glasgow, United Kingdom The Hidden Stories Map In every city there are untold stories where the buildings, statues and place names hold clues to past events and forgotten people. One of Glasgow’s biggest hidden stories is how it played a part in a...


      In every city there are untold stories where the buildings, statues and place names hold clues to past events and forgotten people. One of Glasgow’s biggest hidden stories is how i...

      Glasgow, United Kingdom EN-Chateau of Rochefort en Terre The history of the Chateau of Rochefort en Terre and the Klots family from the United States.


      The history of the Chateau of Rochefort en Terre and the Klots family from the United States.

      Rochefort-en-Terre, France Dzaoudzi Rock - english This audioguide, available in four languages (French, Shimaore, Kibushi and English) was developed in the context of multimedia artist Christine Coulange/Sisygambis residency with the Cultural Affairs...


      This audioguide, available in four languages (French, Shimaore, Kibushi and English) was developed in the context of multimedia artist Christine Coulange/Sisygambis residency with ...

      Labattoir, Mayotte Imaginary Tour GuidiGO's objective is to help museums and heritage attractions make their visitor experience more and more immersive and engaging. This tour gives you a first glimpse at our platform's potential. I...

      Treasure Hunt

      GuidiGO's objective is to help museums and heritage attractions make their visitor experience more and more immersive and engaging. This tour gives you a first glimpse at our platf...

      New York, United States

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