CHM Revolution Tour
and use it offline.Interactive multimedia guided tours on the go. Learn more
Abacus, 500 AD
2 minAntikythera, 0 AD
2 minHollerith Electric Tabulating System, 1890
2 minNordsieck Differential Analyzer, 1956
2 minENIAC, 1946
2 minUNIVAC, 1951
3 minSAGE, 1958
2 minNorden Bombsight, 1945
2 minIBM 360, 1964
2 minRAMAC, 1956
2 minMagnetic Core Memory, 1953
3 minCray-1, 1976
2 minDEC PDP-8, 1965
2 minKitchen Computer, 1969
2 minMoore’s Law, 1965
2 minWalker’s Wagon Wheel, ca. 1965
3 minShakey the robot, 1969
2 minUtah Teapot, ca. 1974
2 minPixar Image Computer, 1986
2 minXerox Alto, 1973
3 minPrototype Mouse, ca. 1964
2 minPong Prototype, 1972
2 minBrown Box, 1966
2 minApple 1, 1976
2 minApple II, 1977
2 minIBM PC, 1981
2 minPalmPilot, 1996
2 minBEHEMOTH, 1983-1991
2 minGoogle Server Assembly, 1999
2 minIMP, ca. 1965
3 minMinitel, 1981
2 min“Revolution: The First 2000 Years of Computing” chronicles the evolution and impact of modern computing from the abacus to the smartphone. This tour features 31 of the most important artifacts and stories from the exhibition’s more than 1,000 unique artifacts. “Revolution” is for everyone. It’s for people who love cool museums and history. It’s for people who want to understand the technological world we all live in. Join us to experience the amazing stories of the people, machines, programs, and companies of the Digital Age.
The tour features museum staff and volunteers and is narrated by NPR correspondent Laura Sydell. Content created by Earprint Productions.