Tursac, France

Follow Olivia, the escaping goose ...


Follow Olivia, the escaping goose ...

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5 étapes

Le parcours commence ici :

Olivia's birth

How to raise geese in Perigord?

+4 étapes

à découvrir au fil du jeu

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Olivia is a goose who was born at the farm 'Les Granges' at Tursac. She will try to hide in the Vézère valley to escape to her fate.

Here is the starting point of this one day tour that will make you discover the treasures of the Vézère valley.

Self-drive that will take you through the forests, to exceptional sites, a few hidden ones and gastronomy will be honored with an atypical restaurant that reflects the spirit of this natural valley.

Follow Olivia in her adventures to discover the Vézère valley otherwise ...

Itinéraire 47 km / 4h30

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