Glasgow, United Kingdom

Devils In The Making

Devils In The Making

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8 étapes


Devils In The Making

Introduction to the exhibition Devils In The Making

1 min

James McLardy

James McLardy, Born Male

1 min

David Sherry

A look at David Sherry's work and how Glasgow Museums has collected performance.

2 min

Victoria Morton

Victoria Morton, Compartments for Isis

52 s

Nathan Coley

Nathan Coley, Lockerbie evidence drawings and witness stand

2 min

Karla Black

Karla Black - Don't Adapt, Detach

2 min

Ross Sinclair

Ross Sinclair, We Love Real Life Scotland

3 min

Christine Borland

Christine Borland, After a True Story; Giant & Fairy Tales

1 min


Exploring Glasgow Museums Contemporary Art collection through connections with Glasgow School of Art, this exhibition includes artists such as Christine Borland, Jim Lambie, Roderick Buchanan, Victoria Morton & Simon Starling.

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