Beverley, United Kingdom

Beverley Tour

Beverley Tour

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14 étapes


History of Beverley

Although a relatively small town, Beverley has a rich history.

4 min

Wednesday Market Place

This square retains a market feel with many independent traders & few chain stores.

3 min

Beverley Minster

One of Britain’s most stunning churches, this minster features three distinct styles.

3 min

Beverley Youth Hostel

This brick building stands in stark contrast to the nearby stone Beverley Minster.

3 min

Eastgate Entrance to Friary Walk

The gateway on the other side of Eastgate was originally part of the friary.

56 s

Trinity Lane to Butcher Row

Follow Eastgate back to Wednesday Market and onto Butcher Row.

48 s

Butcher Row, Walkergate, & Toll Gavel

This junction features 3 roads central to the town’s historic industries & commerce.

2 min

Register Square

The square features Beverley’s Guild Hall & County Hall.

2 min

Corn Exchange

This site offers good views of Saturday Market & several roof tops of varying styles.

2 min

The Push Inn

The origin of the pub’s name is the subject of much speculation.

57 s

Saturday Market

This market all but replaced Wednesday Market during the town’s 12th-century growth.

3 min

White Horse Inn

Known locally as Nellie’s, this pub is considered one of Beverley’s top attractions.

2 min

St. Mary’s Church

A parish church since 1269, St. Mary’s Church is stunning both inside and out.

3 min

North Bar

This is the only remaining gate of four built in the Middle Ages.

4 min


The Beverley tour follows the route around this Yorkshire town, most famous for its beautiful Minster, with its origins dating back to the 8th Century. It later became an important port and market town, as well as brick, tile making and the cloth industry ensuring the town thrived through the ages. This audio version was produced with Visit Hull and East Yorkshire, the local tourist information body.

Itinéraire 2,3 km / 1h00

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