Ely, United Kingdom

Ely Cathedral

Ely Cathedral

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11 étapes


Western Nave

This site’s religious heritage dates back to the 7th century.

6 min

Prior’s Door

This door joined the cathedral to the cloister and was used by people of importance.

2 min

Near the End of the Nave

The 3rd column from the end of the Nave reveals much about the cathedral.

2 min

Burial place of Alan of Walsingham

Alan began as a junior monk & goldsmith but rose to the position of sacrist.

1 min

The Octagon Tower

This tower replaced the original, which collapsed in 1322.

5 min

North Transept

This transept features the chapels of St. Edmund & St. George.

4 min

South Transept

This area and the North Transept constitute the oldest part of the cathedral.

2 min

The Choir

After the tower collapsed, the first 3 bays of the choir were reconstructed as well.

2 min

The Presbytery

This area formerly housed the shrine of Etheldreda and several associated monuments.

4 min

The Processional Way

This structure replaced the original passage from the Presbytery to the Lady Chapel.

2 min

Lady Chapel

This chapel is the largest of its kind attached to any British cathedral.

4 min


A 45-minute guided walk around the inside of the Cathedral, giving visitors an insight into the architecture and the history of the building and its chapels. Please note, a separate entrance fee is payable to go in to the Cathedral, except on Sundays, when it is free.

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