City Centre, United Kingdom

Classic Cambridge

Classic Cambridge

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15 étapes


Market Square & Great St. Mary’s Church

Although larger in Medieval Times, the market still features fresh produce & crafts.

4 min

King’s Parade

At one time the city’s main street, King’s Parade features many historic buildings.

3 min

St. Catharine’s College

Affectionately called Catz, this 15th-century college features a three-sided court.

3 min

St. Botolph’s Church

This church is dedicated to the patron saint of travelers.

2 min

Queen’s College & the Mathematical Bridge

The two sites of this college are joined by the Wooden Bridge over the River Cam.

3 min

King’s Backs

This area offers excellent views of many of the city’s colleges.

1 min

Clare College

This is the city’s second oldest college & the first to accommodate its students.

2 min

Garrett Hostel Lane & Cambridge University Library

Garrett Hostel Bridge offers great views along the River Cam.

2 min

Trinity College & St. John’s College

If open, the back entrance to Trinity College offers a closer look at the college.

1 min

Westminster College

Founded in 1844 in London, this college moved to Cambridge in 1899.

2 min

Kettle’s Yard & the Folk Museum

Likely the longest inhabited part of the city, this area features a gallery & museum.

3 min

Magdalene College

The nearby Castle Hill is where the original Roman encampment was built.

2 min

St. John’s College

This college is recognized as the city’s second largest college.

3 min

Trinity College

This college boasts many famous former students, including 31 Nobel Prize winners.

3 min

Rose Crescent

This road was built on the back yard of a large inn, the Rose and Crown.

3 min


A 60-minute walk through the ancient city, taking in classic sights such as Kings’ College, Queens’ College, Trinity College, The Mathematical Bridge and The Backs.

Itinéraire 2,9 km / 1h00

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