Customized solutions

All that GuidiGO is, and more

If you need a tailored solution for your venue, we can build a complete solution based on our APIs and framework. You’ll benefit from all the amazing features of the GuidiGO Platform but with a custom look and feel. Choose a white-label app or an app that is totally integrated into your existing application and infrastructure.

We have partnered with leading companies around the world to deliver a complete one-stop shopping solution including hardware, content, on-site training, financial services, on-site sales, and marketing.

We can also organize special programs around the participating site and build tailored educational programs for your community.

Let us know what you’re looking for. We’ll be thrilled to take a look at your project!

What our Customers are Saying

“Technology that can look complex suddenly becomes simple and easy to use.”

Roei Amit - Head of Digital RMN - Grand Palais

“It allowed us to develop full featured app tours quickly and easily... something we couldn't do on our own. We love it!”

Mary Mulvihill - Ingenious Ireland / Award winning book author

“Choosing GuidiGO as Montmartre's official app allowed us to create tours in record time. We could devote a larger part of our budget to the content, with translations in Russian and Japanese and also a treasure hunt for kids.”

Roger Dangueuger - President of the Montmartre Tourist Board, Paris

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