EN-Bonnard/Vuillard, the Marcie-Rivière collection
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Niveau 0
2 minNiveau 5 - salle 3
2 minNiveau 5 - Salle 3
2 minNiveau 5 - Salle 3
2 minNiveau 5 - Salle 3
2 minNiveau 5 - salle 3
1 minNiveau 5 - Salle 2
2 minNiceau 4 - salle 4
2 minNiveau 4 - Salle 5
Niveau 4 - salle 5
1 minNiveau 4 - Salle 5
2 minNiveau 4 - Salle 5
2 minNiveau 3 - Salle 8
2 minNiveau 3 - Salle 8
2 minNiveau 3 - salle 8
2 minNiveau 3 - Salle 8
To celebrate the 150th anniversary of Pierre Bonnard's birth, the musée Bonnard honours the great painter, expanding the exceptionnal collection of Zeïneb & Jean-Pierre Marcie-Rivière, philanthropists and great collectors of the 19th and 20th century.
We let you discover in this tailor made some 50 painting and pastels of the nabis period alongside with some 20 drawings from Bonnard and later painings of the two artists.
These quite unknown works point to the close links betweem them two.