New York, United States

Imaginary Tour

Chasse au trésor

Imaginary Tour

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Parcours interactifs pour smartphones et tablettes. En savoir plus
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8 étapes


Bedroom in Arles

by Vincent Van Gogh

2 min

Statuette of Hathor

New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, ca. 1340 BC

3 min

The Curtiss JN 4

A pioneer in the bridging of military and civil aviation

2 min

The Colosseum

The biggest amphitheater ever built

3 min

The Signing of Peace in the Hall of Mirrors

This is how the First World War ended

3 min

The Utah Teapot - Computer History Museum

Utah Teapot, ca. 1974

2 min

The Cheat with the Ace of Diamonds

by Georges de la Tour

3 min

Futalognkosaurus dukei - Royal Ontario Museum

Look up -- waaaay up -- and say hi to the biggest dinosaur in the ROM!

48 s


GuidiGO's objective is to help museums and heritage attractions make their visitor experience more and more immersive and engaging. This tour gives you a first glimpse at our platform's potential.

If you have Google Cardboard, check out the incredible 360 views included in the "Bonus" section of some stops and let yourself be transported to a new dimension! We will soon be enriching the experience by adding 360 videos and 3D objects too.

Itinéraire 46 min

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