Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Edinburgh Highlights

Edinburgh Highlights

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20 étapes


Princes Street

Originally a residential area, Princes St. now features retail & hospitality outlets.

6 min

St. Andrew Square

This square is one of the grandest Georgian squares in Edinburgh.

4 min

St. Andrew’s & St. George’s Church

Due to declining numbers, the two parishes were combined in 1964.

3 min

George Street to Charlotte Square

A tourist hotspot, George St. has been restored to reflect its Georgian heritage.

2 min

Charlotte Square

This square features several buildings that hint at the area’s former glory.

3 min

National Trust for Scotland

This charitable organization is dedicated to preserving Scotland’s heritage.

2 min

En Route to West Princes Street Gardens

The graveyard along this route features a watchtower built to prevent bodysnatching.

3 min

West Princes Street Gardens

Especially pleasant in summer, this garden lies under the shadow of Edinburgh Castle.

58 s


The intersection of King’s Stables Road & Grassmarket offers fine view of the castle.

5 min

Victoria Terrace

Offering excellent views of the area, this is a great place to stop for refreshment.

1 min

Royal Mile to Edinburgh Castle

This road is the traditional approach to Edinburgh Castle.

4 min

James Court

This courtyard features the Writer’s Museum, which occupies a 17th century townhouse.

2 min

Gladstone’s Land & Deacon Brodie’s Court

Built in the 1550s, Gladstone’s Land was restored by the National Trust of Scotland.

3 min

St. Giles’ Cathedral & Parliament Hall

This church has been central to the city’s religious life for around 900 years.

4 min

Mercat Cross

Originally, the Mercat Cross was the focal point of the Royal Mile.

4 min

John Knox House

Protestant reformer John Knox lived in this house near the end of his life.

2 min

Tollbooth Tavern & Canongate Kirk

This pub is named after the gate and tax collection site that once stood here.

3 min

Palace of Holyroodhouse & the Scottish Parliament

Also called Holyrood Palace, a 12th century monastery originally stood here.

5 min

Regent Road

This road offers excellent views of Edinburgh.

1 min

Calton Hill

These steep steps lead to excellent views from the top of the hill.

4 min


The route of this tour passes by some of the most significant historical and cultural highlights of the both the city’s New and Old Towns of Edinburgh.

Itinéraire 6,1 km / 2h00

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