Madrid, Spain

Must Sees Of Madrid

Must Sees Of Madrid

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14 étapes


The Royal Palace

Enjoy a stroll through Campo del Moro & take in the Neoclassical style of the palace.

9 min

Plaza de Oriente – the Square of the East

Located east of the Royal Palace, the plaza features statues of Spain’s great kings.

9 min

Iglesia de San Nicolas

In contrast to the Cathedral, this church offers a simpler, more intimate setting.

3 min

Plaza de la Villa

The oldest square in the city, this was the center of medieval Madrid.

4 min

Plaza de San Miguel

This small square was named for the church, Iglesia de San Miguel de los Octoes.

4 min

Plaza Mayor – Madrid’s Great City Square

This plaza has been the site of celebrations, bull fights, & at one time, executions.

5 min

Monasterio de las Descalzas Reales

A Plateresque-style monastery featuring fine art and frescos within.

3 min

Plaza de la Puerta del Sol

The city’s 15th-century east gate, where the morning sun first peaked into Madrid.

5 min

Plaza de Canalejas

This plaza features striking architecture born out of the prosperous early 1900s.

3 min

Edificio Metropolis Gran Via

The Edificio Metropolis could be considered one of Madrid’s signature monuments.

4 min

Plaza de Cibeles

The fountain in the center of the plaza is another of Madrid’s great landmarks.

4 min

Paseo del Prado

On either side of the plaza stands the Museo Thyssen Bornemisza and the Prado Museum.

5 min

Plaza del Emperador Carlos V

This plaza commemorates Carlos V, the king of Spain and several other territories.

4 min

Museo Reina Sofia

This museum features 20th century artists, especially modern Spanish masters.

4 min


Our Madrid tour which takes about five or six hours, depending on how many breaks you take, begins with the grand Royal Palace and the great Cathedral. As you wander through the elegant Plaza de Oriente your guide to Madrid will thentell you about its development from medieval backwater to capital of half of the world.

We’ll show the secret of one of the famous statues in the Madrid and then guide you through the oldest square, the Plaza de la Villa, the grandest, the Plaza Mayor and the liveliest, the Plaza de la Puerta del Sol while explaining what the Madrilenos do with grapes on New Year’s Eve and why they eat so much ham.

With your guide to Madrid, you’ll not only know what’s what and where to find it, such a the Prado Museum in the Paseo del Prado but you’ll get a real feeling for the city as you wander along to see some of the grandest buildings in the city such as the Edificio Metropolis before finishing your tour at the Golden Triangle of Art galleries.

Itinéraire 4,3 km / 5h30

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