Arbois, France

Arbois, History of tastes

Arbois, History of tastes

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7 étapes


The Priory of Saint Just

The heritage trail begins inside the church of Saint Just. Enter by the side door.

7 min

Otto IV- his castle and his wine

Go right up to the edge of the river and you will see a castle on your right.

4 min

Faramand and the origins of Arbois

Take the street of the priory to find Faramand Place.

3 min

Spice and arcade Place

Take the bridge and go down rue de l’Hôtel de ville to Place de la Liberté

48 s

Pécauld castle

Pécauld Castle which serves as a reinforcement the city’s northern defensive system.

3 min

Fat days and lean days

Leave Pécauld castle, pass in front of the Gloriette Tower and stop Butchery Bridge.



Walking from the bridge you will arrive at la Petite Place, take rue de Bourgogne.



Arbois…in 1295

Welcome to the Jura and more especially to its medieval wine capital. In 1295 under the reign of the House of Ivrée, Arbois was a city of intrigue where the inhabitants led the good life. The pleasures of the table were also one of the symbols of power.

In the 13th and 14th centuries
The palatine counts of Burgundy were among the richest princes of Western Europe. The County of Burgundy was one of the jewels of the Holy Roman Empire. The Kings of France eyed the Franche-Comté of Otto IV and his daughter Jeanne II of Burgundy with great envy.

But what about Arbois?
The city was the center of the counts’ wine politics and it was one of their favorite residences.

Itinéraire 1,6 km / 1h15

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