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quizz, chasse au trésor…

Durée : max 8 heures

Durée : Toutes

Longueur : max 6km

Longueur : Toutes

https://guidigo.blob.core.windows.net/studio-tour-publish/thumb40f25afc-6711-4988-a1df-49a8ad57a668cover-428px.jpeg?sv=2015-12-11&sr=c&sig=kPA%2F1bP%2B%2FIq3zfb8qHYzh8XzUL4zNzqIbT6oZeoFvIQ%3D&se=2024-07-28T01%3A39%3A54Z&sp=r Skizo The idea for this sound-walk is to introduce the participant to a new way of experiencing the city of Aalborg. We have marked and pointed out the most notable spots around the city that should introdu...


The idea for this sound-walk is to introduce the participant to a new way of experiencing the city of Aalborg. We have marked and pointed out the most notable spots around the city...

Nørresundby, Danemark

En cours…