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quizz, chasse au trésor…

Durée : max 8 heures

Durée : Toutes

Longueur : max 6km

Longueur : Toutes Emil Benčić - From Experience to Infinity The topic of the virtual project is the creation and implementation of the activities about the importance of the artistic work of Croatian artist, Emil Benčić (1930-2011). Project's mission is to ass...


The topic of the virtual project is the creation and implementation of the activities about the importance of the artistic work of Croatian artist, Emil Benčić (1930-2011). Project...

Črvar, Croatie The authentic Split The wonderful city of Split has so many secrets and so much history to offer. Follow the path of the roman ancestors, and discover all the wonders around. Welcome to Spalato, enjoy!


The wonderful city of Split has so many secrets and so much history to offer. Follow the path of the roman ancestors, and discover all the wonders around. Welcome to Spalato, enjoy...

Split, Croatie

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